55g. Quick Release Clear L/Odor
Arco Item Number:
Quick Release is a general purpose, economical form release agent. The ingredients in Quick Release are physically active to repel water as well as concrete. Additionally, chemically active compounds react with lime present in fresh concrete to create a releasing compound directly on the form surface. This product is usable on most form surfaces, except foam and soft rubber forms.
- Very economical
- Provides a crisp, positive release
- Reduces form cleaning as well as maintenance costs
- Forms become self-cleaning with continued use
- Resists removal by foot traffic and rain
- Usable on forms previously treated with competitive form oils
- Surpasses performance requirement of US Corps of Engineers, GSA and Bureau of Reclamation specifications for nonstaining form oil
- Ready to use - that is to say requires no dilution.
- Low odor
- Storable at temperatures below freezing
- Good sprayability with traditional hand pump tank sprayers down to 32° F (O° C). May require higher pressure sprayers at temperatures below 32° F (O° C)
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